The 'Museum of Two Halves' project

The vision for the future – Wrexham Museum

There’s been plenty of focus on the plans for the Football Museum for Wales, but what about the other half in the ‘museum of two halves’ project: a new museum for Wrexham?

We’ve put together this whistle-stop tour of the designs for the new galleries and spaces, plus some of the ideas for the themes and content you’ll discover during your visit to the new museum.

The development of the plans for the football museum galleries is part of the Museum of Two Halves project which will create a Football Museum for Wales and a new museum for Wrexham. This development work has been funded by Welsh Government and Wrexham County Borough Council.

All images courtesy of Hayley Sharpe Design.

For a start it will be all change on the ground floor of the current museum building: a new learning suite for schools and community events; a gallery dedicated to the history of the building, an expanded temporary exhibition space and a bigger souvenir shop.

The historic courtyard at the centre of the museum building (now the location of the main gallery) will be re-instated; creating Wrexham’s own version of the ‘Great Court’ at the British Museum.

Objects and LED displays will introduce the themes of the two museums: football heritage and Wrexham’s heritage.

This artist’s impression (see above) shows the introductory atrium as viewed from the bottom of the new central stairwell looking towards the doors into the learning suite.

The Football Museum and the Wrexham Museum galleries will all be on the first floor of the building; mostly in spaces currently not open to the public.

The Wrexham Museum galleries will be located on the eastern side of the building. Currently this wing is at two different levels and much work will be necessary to convert a series of rooms into workable gallery spaces.

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One of the many improvements that would happen as part of the ‘museum of two halves’ project would be permanent galleries dedicated to specific aspects of Wrexham’s past.

Up to now we have had to cram everything into one gallery. With a fair wind and the necessary funding, Wrexham Museum can finally have the gallery space our heritage and our local communities deserve.

Visitors will enter the Wrexham Museum galleries through an introductory zone: This is Wrexham!

This will be a mix of sound, film and images introducing the history of Wrexham and the variety of the county borough, and referencing the themes of the galleries to come. The immersive experience will highlight our heritage right up to the present day.

The first gallery, Beginnings, will be devoted to archaeology and prehistory, including Brymbo Man, Bronze Age treasures such as the Rossett Hoard, and a display case featuring changing archaeological displays of local material. There will be activities to entertain and educate younger visitors too.

There is the potential here to display temporary loans from Amgueddfa Cymru (National Museum Wales) such as the Acton Hoard and the Burton Hoard (Bronze Age), the Esclusham Hoard (Roman period) and the Wrexham Hoard (the Middle Ages).

Previously we used to focus the industrial heritage displays at Bersham Heritage Centre, but since its closure the museum service has only been able to tell Wrexham’s industrial story through temporary exhibition.

All would change as part of the ‘museum of two halves’ project as Court No.2 (the current Education Room) would become the permanent gallery devoted to Wrexham’s industrial and agricultural history, the world of work and Wrexham’s origins as a market town.

There will be space to showcase some great objects from the collection; while projected at each end of the gallery would be the people and places connected to our industrial and commercial past.

There will be loads of opportunities for all ages in the planned ‘Trade and Industry’ gallery: shopping in old Wrexham, a market activity for children, a chance to find out about the different jobs that used to exist, a place to share memories of your first/worst/best job, and for the outgoing – a chance to dress up in some historic workers’ costume.

There will be displays about Wrexham’s breweries and old pubs. The ‘pub crawl’ may be alcohol-free, because you will need your wits about you to do the ultimate Wrexham pub quiz.

The story of the Gresford Colliery Disaster is such an important part of Wrexham’s modern history that there will be a section in the Conflict and Struggle gallery dedicated to the disaster and its repercussions.

The Miners’ Rights section will explore the turbulent history of the Denbighshire coalfield from the first rumblings in the 1830s through to the 1984/85 strike.

The other side of the Conflict & Struggle gallery will concentrate on Wrexham’s experience of the two World Wars with a case display, oral testimony and a giant map illustrating the area’s home front history.

Wrexham’s munitionettes, war veterans and those who served on the Home Front will be commemorated. Finally the one and only Powell Motorbike will go on permanent display.

The next gallery, Communities, will lighten the mood as the displays celebrate the social and cultural side of local life in modern times. There will be a section on making a life in Wrexham, and display cases illustrating sport in Wrexham and how our predecessors spent their free time.

We will be introducing a changing selection of characters from Wrexham’s past: the controversial, the comic, the notorious and the news worthy.

We will be working with the local community to populate these displays and there will be a call out for suggestions and contributions via social media.

We said the mood would be different in the ‘Communities’ gallery; it’s going to be colourful, lively and hopefully refreshing. However, the plan is to be able to dim the lights and turn down the volume for ‘quiet times’ when visitors don’t want to be overwhelmed.

The final gallery in the planned Wrexham Museum would focus on ‘Daily Life’. One display case will showcase objects connected to the key stages in everyone’s life from childhood to old age; while a second case will be about life in the home and how it has changed.

Once again we will be involving local people in choosing the objects and the stories they would like to see in this gallery.

At the very end there will be an area for children – a chance to explore the history ‘home’ and a cast of special puppets for children create their own dramas about Wrexham long ago.

Hopefully that brief tour of the plans for the new Wrexham Museum galleries provides plenty of reasons for you to visit and even get involved.

It is forty years since Wrexham Maelor Borough Council first appointed a Museum Research Officer in 1982. The museum’s potential is there to be realized in these new spaces when all the funding has been secured. Fingers crossed and with the right backing, Wrexham will have a museum fit for the newest city in Wales.

Football Museum Wales

The vision for the future – Football Museum Wales

As plans to build a brand new Football Museum for Wales alongside a fully refurbished and reimagined Wrexham Museum continue to progress, we’re now delighted to be able to share the latest designs.

In this quick guide we’ll give you a tour of the various new galleries and spaces that will form the Football Museum and introduce some of the ideas for the content, themes and stories you’ll be able to discover on your visit.

All images and artist’s impressions courtesy of Hayley Sharpe Design.

Brand new galleries and spaces are also being designed for the refurbished Wrexham Museum. You can read all about those design plans here.

The tour starts here:

The plans envisage a double height atrium at the heart of the museum building on Regent Street in Wrexham (see above). Here you will encounter the ‘museum of two halves’. Full height LED display screens, with object and image displays providing a flavour of what is to come.

Image: artist’s impression by HSD.

The football museum will be about people. It will be engaging, sensory, accessible, dynamic, informative, enjoyable and above all Welsh. If it was a stick of rock the letters running through it would spell CYMRU.

There’ll be an immersive experience at the start of the football galleries on the first floor of the museum introducing the birthplace of Welsh football and inspired by those experiences at the start of every match.

The first football gallery (above) will cover the domestic game: the grassroots, the clubs you support week in week out through thick and thin and the challenges women’s football has faced since the beginning of the game in Wales. Do you know any lesser-known clubs with a great history? If you do, tell us!

The middle gallery explores the fortunes of our national teams since 1876. Choose your favourite moments. Explore the ‘Heartbreak and Glory’ object timeline. Which key moments do you think we should aim to include? Interactives on the laws of the game and a challenge for the football know-alls. There’ll be space for a case devoted to the latest in the game.

The far gallery is all about the supporters and the true spirit of the game and its importance to our country. Match journeys and match memories. Singing for Wales, fan fashion, celebration and commiserations, and finally the fight to save your club. With loads more activities for kids, big and small.

Our Engagement Officers will be gathering material for this gallery and the other two over the coming year.

Next steps

2023 is shaping up to be very exciting year as the project continues to make fantastic progress.

The valuable feedback we received in our recent consultation sessions will be used to help inform the next stage of design work. We’ll be keeping you updated on this via this blog and our social media channels.

Follow us to keep updated.

Football Museum Wales The 'Museum of Two Halves' project

Public Have Their Say On New Wrexham Museum/Football Museum Designs

We recently held consultation events to gather feedback on the new design plans for the Football Museum and refurbished Wrexham Museum.

The design plans were put on display for public viewing at an open day event, held at Wrexham Museum.

Members of the museum and design teams attended the events to discuss the plans with visitors and gather thoughts and suggestions.

We organised an online presentation to enable a wider audience to view and comment on the design plans.

We also consulted with the various football specialist and community focus groups that we’ve assembled to work alongside us throughout the design process.

All the sessions included a presentation/display of the latest proposals and an opportunity for questions and feedback.

Your thoughts

Here are some of the highlights from the dozens of comments submitted at the various sessions….

Loyalties & Rivalries

“It would be good to see more about the rise of women’s football and that there is still a long way to go for all clubs to have a women’s team. Historic material related to this may have been lost.”

“The grassroots football film could include regional tournaments or the community cup that exists in Wales. The gallery also needs to show stories from diverse clubs including refugees / asylum seekers, LGBTQ+ community and those with a range of disabilities.”

Heartbreak and Glory

“It would be good to look at how press/media have covered Wales teams across time, as coverage was previously very negative and now it is all positive. Welsh teams and fan communities have prevailed despite this.”

“It would be good to show the experiences behind the scenes and all the different processes involved in setting up for a match e.g. use of clappers during the match and the process of design / manufacture”


Teachers suggested that it would be great to get children to input in the design process and a number of teachers said they would like their schools to be involved in this.

Wayfinding throughout the galleries could also be playful and potentially incorporated into the flooring.

Suggestions for additional interactive elements included:

  • Ability to commentate on game
  • Within the galleries or externally there should be the opportunity to kick a football.

The themes within the galleries tie in well with the Welsh Curriculum and a wide variety of subjects could be taught using the galleries.


Acoustics of the gallery spaces to be considered in development. 

Provide good light levels along circulation routes. 

Consideration of how the visitor welcome incorporates BSL to let visitors know it is used and that they are welcome – this could be done in-person or on a screen.

Wrexham History

Suggestions for additional themes / stories which could be included in the Wrexham galleries included:

  • The canal and railway connections which have supported the growth of the city.
  • Religion and diversity
  • The ‘black’ years when Wrexham felt “downtrodden” and “undervalued”

The galleries should be used to help signpost visitors to other heritage / cultural sites around Wrexham e.g. Bersham.

The links with Tŷ Pawb are important as this venue is seen as a multi-cultural hub which helps to brings diverse communities together and highlights the changing identity of Wrexham.

Next steps

The project is continuing to make fantastic progress. Your valuable feedback will be used to help inform the next stage of design work. We’ll be keeping you updated on this via this blog and our social media channels.

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Find out more about the Football Museum Wales/Museum of Two Halves project

Football Museum Wales

Meet our new Football Museum Engagement Officers

As the work to build a new Football Museum for Wales in Wrexham continues to progress, we’re now delighted to be able to introduce you to the two newest members of our team.

Delwyn Derrick and Shôn Lewis have recently been appointed as the new Engagement Officers for the Football Museum Wales project.

Their mission will be to travel across Wales and reach out to football communities, clubs, players, fans and other individuals and groups involved with the game. Through building connections and collecting stories, Shôn and Delwyn’s work will help ensure that the new museum can truly represent Welsh football heritage in all its diversity, from our grass roots clubs, all the way up to the national teams and their historic achievements.

We invited Shon and Delwyn to tell us a little about how they first became engaged with Welsh football, why the new Football Museum project excites their imaginations and which aspect of the engagement work they are looking forward to the most….

Delwyn Derrick

How did you first get interested in football and what are your early memories of watching Welsh football?

“I’ve always enjoyed football but my interest went far beyond just being a hobby back in 2016 when I started my own club here in Wrexham. I have since moved more into the administrative side of football, having a seat on the North East Wales FA and being voted onto the management committee and as chair of the senior football development committee.

“As with most football fans in Wrexham, my first experiences of football were at The Racecourse and it was there that I first saw Wales play in a friendly match against Wrexham in 1998. It was a few years after that when I started discovering grassroots football and I’ve been hooked on the community game ever since.”

Tell us why you think its time Wales had its own football museum…

“I’m excited to see Wales finally have a football museum and I’m thrilled that it’s going to be in Wrexham where the FAW was first founded in 1876. In a sense, the museum being based in the town where the national team started is our own version of football coming home, but it’s also really important that the rest of Wales see it that way and feel part of this journey even if they don’t live in Wrexham.

“For me the Welsh team has always been my second team. When I was younger I supported Wrexham and then Wales. I think that’s what sets us apart from other nations in a way is that the national team is more like our second local team, which is what’s great about a small nation that dreams big and can sing even bigger.

“Our football story is ours and being able to tell the whole of that story in one place, not to the fans, but with the fans, it’s something that we all need.”

What are you looking forward to the most in your new role as engagement officer?

“As an engagement officer, my role is literally going out across Wales, talking to people about a country and a sporting history that I’m passionate about and incredibly proud of. I firmly believe that I have the best job in the world and even in the very short time that I’ve been here, I’ve been able to talk about the museum project and what we are hoping to achieve with some of my childhood heroes like Brian Flynn, Ian Rush and Rob Earnshaw, but I’ve also been meeting some really interesting people in domestic football who’ve told me stories and shown me objects from some of Wales’ history that could have easily been lost.

“Being an engagement officer for a project that is already engaging so many people is amazing and I’m looking forward to digging even deeper and finding people with stories to tell that nobody has told before. What I’m looking forward to the most, is what comes next. Welsh football isn’t done yet and whatever happens tomorrow, the day after it becomes history and part of my job is recording and protecting that for generations to come. It’s a huge responsibility and a dream come true at the same time.”

Shôn Lewis

How did you first get interested in football and what are your early memories of watching Welsh football?

“My earliest memories of football were going to watch a local side called Mountain Rangers, during the mid-80’s they played in the field behind my home in Bontnewydd.

“Even though I was brought up an Everton fan the higher levels of the professional game were a distant, disconnected fantasy to my peers and I, only accessible via television watching the results come in or seeing them compete with Liverpool at the top of Division 1 on the Big Match (well it was the 80’s!)  or in Wrexham, Cardiff & Swansea’s case Soccer Sunday on HTV Wales.”

“My first tangible connection with professional football however came in 1991, seeing my dad watching tv where Rush and Southall play together in red and be victorious against Germany.

“From that day to this I haven’t missed a kick on my 31 year journey as my team plumbed the depths of international football and rose to the heights of qualification to Euro 2016, 2020 & Qatar.

“Today I can comfortably say I’m not a fan of any club side, to me international football is the pinnacle of the game and as such anything and everything to do with domestic Welsh football ultimately feeds into it. As I always say, my club is Wales…the only side that I feel truly represents me as a fan, also the only side that can make me feel sick before, during and (if we lose) after a match…but the highs are so, so worth it!”

Tell us why you think its time Wales had its own football museum…

“Wales has a unique footballing history due to its economic, cultural and political structure, football in the north and south developed almost independently of each other and the game here in Wales has a very fragmented history as a result, but it’s a story that needs and deserves to be told.

“To finally be able to give it a ‘home’ in Wrexham where the FAW was founded is amazing not only for the history of the game in Wales but also its future.

“The museum is uniquely placed in this regard, especially today when Welsh football identity has never been stronger, so to have a museum at the ready to document everything as we travel through the most successful period in Welsh football history is vital.

“There are multiple sides to every story and football is no different, hopefully the museum can become a place where all of our stories are kept and made available for future generations to come and see, and perhaps find their own truth about Welsh football and its history.

“Our individual introductions to football, our experiences growing up with it as fans and our reasons for falling in love with the game are all going to be different and are usually tied into our localities and upbringing, and even though I’m only a few weeks in I’ve heard so many amazing stories and viewpoints from people in different parts of Wales that I was previously unaware of.

What are you looking forward to the most in your new role as engagement officer?

“I’m really looking forward to going out into communities throughout Wales, discussing and recording people’s stories about their own local football histories, seeing what’s out there and then bringing it all back into the museum to help make it truly representative of all of Wales, telling our stories as Welsh football fans and our unique footballing culture and history in both our languages.”

If you’d like have any Welsh football stories or items you’d like to bring to our attention, you can get in touch by emailing

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Football Museum Wales The 'Museum of Two Halves' project

See the brand new design plans for Wrexham Museum and the Football Museum for Wales

Plans are now progressing to build a brand new Football Museum for Wales alongside a fully revamped Wrexham Museum on Regent Street.

The new ‘museum of two halves’ is going to be a major new national attraction for Wrexham City Centre, celebrating Welsh football, past and present, in all its diversity, alongside an enhanced, first-class venue for discovering the fascinating and eventful story of our region of north-east Wales.

We’re now delighted to be able to share the latest design plans.

There will be an opportunity to come and view the plans in person at Wrexham Museum, this October.

Alternatively, you’ll be able to watch a online presentation of the plans, delivered by the design team.

Open Day at Wrexham Museum

The event will be an opportunity to view large scale, illustrated displays of the design plans for the new museums.

You’ll also be able to speak to the project design team in person, ask questions and offer feedback and suggestions.

This will be family friendly event. The new museums are being designed to appeal to visitors of all ages so we’d love to see as many children and families as possible coming along to come see the plans and let us know what they think!

  • The open day event will take place on Wednesday 26th October at Wrexham Museum on Regent Street.
  • There will be two opportunities to attend on the day. An afternoon session from 1.30pm-3.30pm and an evening session from 6pm-8pm. Everyone is welcome to attend either session – or both.
  • Please email with any queries.

Online presentation

We’ve organised an interactive online presentation to take place on Monday 24th October from 6.30pm-8.00pm.

During the event, the design team will guide you through the latest illustrated plans for the new museums, including the revamped public spaces, galleries and other new features of the building.

You’ll also be able to see and hear about some of the planned exhibits and activities.

You’ll be able to ask questions about the project during the event via the chat box. The team will try to answer as many as possible.

  • The registration for the event has now closed.
  • Please email footballmuseumwales with any queries.

Public feedback has helped ‘inform latest design plans’

Cllr Paul Roberts, Lead Member for Partnerships and Community Safety said: “The design team have been making great progress with the plans for the new museums so we’re delighted to offer this opportunity for the public to come and view the proposals up close, and online, and speak to the team in person.

“Over 500 people took part in the public consultation last year. The feedback received has helped inform the latest design plans and we’ve also assembled a number of specialist and community focus groups who are working closely with us throughout the project.”

“This is a huge development for Wrexham city centre which promises to attract new visitors from around the country and beyond so I hope as many people as possible will make the most of the opportunity to view the plans at this key stage of its development.”

Football Museum Wales


We’ve received the fantastic news that we’ve been awarded a £45,000 development grant  to progress plans for the  Museum of Two Halves – the Football Museum for Wales by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

The award offers us the opportunity to secure a further grant of over £2 million to complete the project.

This means the plans to refurbish the Grade 2 listed Wrexham Museum building to be both a local history museum and a nationally styled football museum with improved facilities and new off-site collections store can now move forward with confidence.

The grant will help the project team to develop its plan of events, activities and learning programmes that will ensure the new museum will serve not just communities across Wrexham County Borough, but also throughout Wales.

The new Football Museum galleries will provide a permanent display space for the every growing Welsh Football Collection for the first time since it was established in 2000.

The two part museum will see the whole two storey building brought back into use increasing its potential as a hub for learning, enjoyment and well-being attracting an estimated 80,000 visitors annually.

Cllr Paul Roberts, Lead Member for Partnerships and Community Safety, said, “This is brilliant news for Wrexham and I look forward to receiving updates on progress and to eventually enjoying visiting the Museum of Two Halves – The Football Museum for Wales and the new Wrexham Museum.”

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Cllr Mark Pritchard, Leader of the Council said, “Once again we have reason to celebrate in Wrexham and this excellent news is especially welcome. I would like to thank all the staff involved in bringing the project this far and also the National Lottery Heritage Fund for their recognition of the football sporting heritage in Wales and here in Wrexham – the spiritual home of football.”

Andrew White, Director of the National Lottery Heritage Fund in Wales said, “We’re excited to award this development grant to the Museum of Two Halves – the Football Museum for Wales. This investment will allow the Wrexham County Borough Council to develop a plan for the project that they can pitch to us for further funding to deliver on the dream.”

Ian Bancroft, the Chair of the steering group for the project added “The new galleries will capture the passion, the emotion and the experience that football fans have felt for the game ever since the Football Association of Wales (FAW) was formed in 1876 at Wrexham’s Wynnstay Arms Hotel.

“The timing of the project could not be better with the FAWs 150th anniversary in 2026 and the recent qualification of the national football team for the World Cup.”

Football Museum Wales

More details and concept drawings released…

Cymru qualifying for the World Cup, City Status, a City of Culture bid, Wrexham AFC playing at Wembley and just miss out on promotion in the first full season Rob and Ryan have taken charge as owners, Kop Development plans, that Mullin Goal, Tŷ Pawb shortlisted for Museum of The Year!

There’s been so much happening in Wrexham recently that it’s easy to forget that plans are progressing to create the Football Museum for Wales alongside a new Wrexham Museum on Regent Street in Wrexham.

Wrexham is the spiritual home of Welsh Football and our ambitious plans intend to make Wrexham a site of football fan pilgrimage! Football is part of the community and everyday life for many people so it makes sense to create a visitor experience that brings sporting heritage and community heritage together.

The museum’s staff, Haley Sharpe Design, Purcell (Architects) as well as other important project partners have been progressing the designs for Wales’s National Football museum, with work proceeding apace over the past few months.

The new double-height courtyard with visual images and film display based around the theme of Together Stronger: Wales, Wrexham & Football.

The architects and designers have worked out plans that envisage:

  • The current main gallery returned to its original use as a courtyard hub, but enclosed and providing a lift and stairs to the first floor.
  • The Football Museum for Wales being centred around Court No.1 (the large courtroom)
  • The Wrexham Museum focusing on Court No.2 and the eastern side of the museum building.
  • A new learning and community hub on the forecourt, providing for the first time ever a flexible up to date and fully accessible learning and events space for use by schools, community groups and for holiday activities
  • An enlarged temporary exhibitions gallery extending out into the former exercise yard
  • A children’s zone on the ground floor
  • A quieter introductory area for those who benefit from such places
  • An expanded café providing additional seating in the re-purposed archives office, alongside the seating in the front extension and spreading into the forecourt
  • A larger shop allowing the museum to sell football and Wales related souvenirs, especially targeted at day trippers and holiday makers.

The project team have been consulting with groups representing football supporters, historians, people involved in learning, disabled people, and a diverse range of community groups and individuals who like visiting museums. Their feedback is already informing design and content to help ensure the new museum will be the best it can possibly be.

The concept designs for the football galleries envisage visitors entering via an introductory immersive experience creating an engaging atmosphere for the story of football and the story of Wales to be told through football…

View into the Loyalties & Rivalries of club football zone of the football museum galleries

From there, they will emerge into Court No.1, the largest space in the museum. This space will divide into three broad areas:

  • Loyalties & Rivalries which will focus on football in Wales at club level, from the big clubs down to grassroots level.
  • Heartbreak & Glory, which will tell the story of the Welsh men’s and women’s teams and their roller-coaster fortunes over the years
  • On the Terrace, which is where we focus on the fans and culture of Welsh football and include even more interactivity for younger visitors.

There is a lot more work to go into these designs, involving not just the museum staff and the consultation panels we have established, but people right across Wales, not least through the work of the Engagement Officers who will be recruited over the summer to act as roving ambassadors for the football museum.

As in the football galleries, visitors will initially enter the Wrexham Museum galleries through an introductory immersive zone that will highlight the kaleidoscopic story of Wrexham.

The Wrexham Museum galleries will be based around five themes connected to the people and places of the county borough:

  • Beginnings – here the focus is on archaeology, with a re-display of Brymbo Man, the Bronze Age and Roman material
  • Trade & Industry – this room will focus on our industrial and agricultural heritage, the development of the market town of Wrexham and the world of work in Wrexham.
  • Conflict & Struggle – this theme is about both industrial struggle and setbacks, and also the World Wars and their impact on Wrexham and its people.
  • Daily Life – this section is dedicated to topics such as changes in the home, the stages of life, health and medicine, and leisure and free time
  • Communities – the final theme gallery will tell the stories of the many different groups that make up Wrexham, including the Penley Poles, Portuguese, the Wrexham diaspora, and cultural festivals.

Lead Member for museums, Cllr Paul Roberts said: “Overall much has been achieved, but there is so much more to do to ensure that we, with the help and support of people and communities from Wrexham and across Wales, working together, can create a Football Museum for Wales and a new Wrexham Museum fit for the spiritual home of Welsh football and Wales’s newest city.”

Chair of the Football Museum Steering Group Ian Bancroft said: “It really is an exciting time for football in Wales and Wrexham, the spiritual home of Welsh football. “Football plays a huge part in our identity, culture and heritage.”It’s great to see plans for the Wrexham Museum and Welsh football museum developing as we look forward to the delivery of this exciting project in 2025.”

Football Museum Wales

FAW donates Wales stars’ shirts to Football Museum collection

The museum was pleased to receive a further donation from the FAW in January, particularly some shirts with a Wrexham theme.

From the World Cup qualifying match v Estonia (which Wales won 1-0 in Tallinn on 11 October), we have received signed match worn shirts from Harry Wilson, Danny Ward and Neco Williams – all Wrexham born.

They were presented to the museum by FAW President Steve Williams at the recent match between Bellevue FC and North Wales Police Wrexham Town, which took place at Colliers Park in support of Wrexham’s bid to be UK City of Culture in 2025. 

Collecting contemporary material is of real importance to the museum as it helps to interpret recent events which are fresh in people’s minds. The shirts are a great addition to our growing Welsh Football Collection!

Football Museum Wales

64 Years On: How Wales Reached The 1958 World Cup

The nation is gearing up for vital World Cup play-offs in March, which we hope will end in Wales’s qualification for a first finals appearance since 1958.

Saturday 5 February marks the anniversary of the last time Wales qualified for a World Cup finals, some 64 years ago, with a unique set of circumstances helping them to Sweden.

Wales had finished second to Czechoslovakia in their qualifying group and were seemingly eliminated until FIFA handed them another chance. Israel had advanced from their qualification zone but without playing a match; several opponents withdrawing from the competition for political reasons.

FIFA introduced a rule that a team couldn’t qualify without playing a match and organised a play-off with Wales drawn (out of nine names) to play Israel, the winner progressing to the 1958 finals.

On 15 January, Wales travelled to Israel for the first leg and won 2-0, with goals in each half from Ivor Allchurch and Dave Bowen. The second leg at Ninian Park on 5 February saw a repeat of the score line, with late goals from Allchurch again and Cliff Jones securing a 4-0 overall victory and finals qualification.

The second leg is also noteworthy, coming as it did a day before the Munich Air Disaster.

The pictured shirt was worn by full back Alan Harrington in the second leg at Ninian Park. It was acquired when the Welsh Football Collection was first established at the museum in 2000.

Harrington is a Cardiff City legend who played his whole career at the club (348 appearances) and gained 11 Welsh caps.

Football Museum Wales

The FAW Premier Cup

When FAW President Steve Williams arrived at the museum recently with boxes of objects to donate to the Welsh Football Collection, it was a Wrexham supporting colleague who spotted a wooden ball trophy and identified it…as the FAW Premier Cup!

Launched as the Invitation Cup in 1997-98, the competition changed its name to the FAW Premier Cup the following season.

Sponsored and televised by the BBC, the competition featured the top seven placed clubs from the Welsh Premier, joined by the best placed ‘exiled’ club from Colwyn Bay, Merthyr Tydfil and Newport County.

They played each other home and away in two groups of four, with the top two from each progressing to the quarter-finals, where they were joined by Cardiff City, Swansea City, Wrexham and the Welsh Cup winners.

The format was adapted before the start of the 2004-05 competition and eventually ceased in 2008 when the BBC decided to withdraw its sponsorship.

The last final saw Newport County beat Llanelli 1-0, making the Exiles still the official holders!

Wrexham were the most successful club in the competition’s short history, playing in eight of the eleven finals that took place, winning five.

The addition of the trophy to the museum’s collection resulted in plenty of comments on social media suggesting that it or something similar should return to football in Wales. One for the FAW!

(Source: Welsh Football Data Archive)

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